tv, video games, wtf, luna not so linkies, sex, science, it's da future! :o, food, creepy crawlies, music, sweet tech, videos, photos, when fandom attacks, links tiem, smooth criminal, zombies/vampires, lists, ways in which they fail, epic lulz, movies

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  • WTF Wednesday - Round 97 SUPER LATE EDITION!

    the_perkygoff Dec 02, 2009 10:18

    Oh holy hell, this is the worst time of year for the linkies. These were the linkies for LAST Wednesday, despite the fact you're seeing them Tuesday of the following week (date has been changed to reflect the appropriate week). Round 98 (tomorrow) may be late for similar reasons, as well as next week's (99). Kept the descriptions short so I could ( Read more... )

    dogs, wtf, luna not so linkies, sex, science, sweet jeebus no щ(゚Д゚щ), anatomy, animals, death, music, creepy crawlies, fashion, doom, japan, videos, cats, photos, when fandom attacks, kids, links tiem, smooth criminal, epic lulz

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  • WTF Wednesday - Round 95

    the_perkygoff Nov 18, 2009 18:29

    UGH. I'm currently typing up week 96 and this at the same time, and adjusting the date on this bad boy to reflect the 18th. Sorry for the delay and be sure to view week 96 (11/25) as well!

  • HOLY DRUSTRUCTION OF LIVES, BATMAN. Wear your effin wrist strap! - Woman hits dog with Wiimote, killing it, neighbor revives. It's one long ass article title ( Read more... )

    video games, wtf, luna not so linkies, science, sweet jeebus no щ(゚Д゚щ), under da sea, stupid, it's da future! :o, death, music, creepy crawlies, fashion, doom, japan, videos, photos, when fandom attacks, comics, links tiem, skool, lists, drugs, movies, epic lulz

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  • WTF Wednesday - Round 93

    the_perkygoff Nov 04, 2009 07:36

    So hay, still not sure what I'm going to do for the 100th round of the linkies... but I'll think of something. And if not, I'll take the week off. One of those. This week, I'm got some residual links from Halloween, mixed in with the usual stuff. I realized I pulled a lot of videos this week, which can be equal parts yay and nay, so forgive me and ( Read more... )

    video games, douchebag, wtf, sex, science, space, sweet jeebus no щ(゚Д゚щ), art, under da sea, anatomy, stupid, animals, death, music, creepy crawlies, doom, japan, weirdos, videos, photos, creepy, politics, kids, when fandom attacks, links tiem, zombies/vampires, ways in which they fail, lists, epic lulz

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  • WTF Wednesday - Round 88

    the_perkygoff Sep 30, 2009 17:05

    For all my careful planning the last week or two, I failbot'd today with planning ahead (I blame my A&P lab practical tomorrow). Let's get going with some last minute pulled together stuff! Coincidentally, this means you're getting loaded down with the videos this week, OF WHICH I THINK YOU'LL SURVIVE. Nothing too long, in any case. Let's start:

  • Read more... )

    dogs, exorcist, video games, wtf, sex, science, sweet jeebus no щ(゚Д゚щ), art, under da sea, anatomy, animals, it's da future! :o, death, food, creepy crawlies, fashion, doom, japan, weirdos, videos, creepy, when fandom attacks, ads, links tiem, smooth criminal, egypt, ways in which they fail, lists, movies

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  • WTF Wednesday - Round 87

    the_perkygoff Sep 23, 2009 09:30

    Actually managing to get these up fairly early. CRAZY, INO RITE? I also FINALLY finished editing the "tags" for these things... going all the way back to the beginning, the "robots," "it's da future," "sweet tech," and "smooth criminal" are finally fully put into play (with smooth criminal being the absolute newest). Let's begin:

  • Let's get this ( Read more... )

    robots, dogs, video games, douchebag, wtf, sex, science, nsfw stuff, sweet jeebus no щ(゚Д゚щ), anatomy, animals, it's da future! :o, death, creepy crawlies, sweet tech, weirdos, videos, photos, creepy, politics, kids, when fandom attacks, links tiem, smooth criminal, omgwant, ways in which they fail, lists, drugs, epic lulz

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  • WTF Wednesday - Round 85

    the_perkygoff Sep 09, 2009 11:54

    Rather than, say, study for chemistry or watch anime or something, I've opted to filling your memory banks with some linkies this Wednesday morning. Take some time to enjoy them, will ya? I wish I had more 9-ish related links for today, but I wasn't think in that regard sadly (I swapped any "top [#]" lists for top 9 lists, at least). EDIT: FOOK. I ( Read more... )

    robots, video games, wtf, religion, sex, art, anatomy, animals, it's da future! :o, death, food, creepy crawlies, doom, japan, videos, photos, when fandom attacks, ads, comics, links tiem, smooth criminal, omgwant, ways in which they fail, lists, movies, epic lulz

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  • WTF Wednesday - Round 84

    the_perkygoff Sep 02, 2009 10:23

    I'm using my time on campus productively. By updating this. Let's begin:

  • It's no secret that Marvel was bought by Disney recently (a friend of mine possibly put it best: "As Marvel's stocks shoot up, Marvel dignity just threw itself off a building." And while that by itself is prime sorts of news I would post on the linkies, I'd rather take a ( Read more... )

    robots, disney, dogs, science, toy, nsfw stuff, sweet jeebus no щ(゚Д゚щ), anatomy, stupid, animals, music, food, creepy crawlies, fashion, doom, videos, candy, cats, politics, kids, ads, when fandom attacks, comics, links tiem, skool, omgwant, lists, drugs, movies, epic lulz

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  • WTF Wednesday - Round 83

    the_perkygoff Aug 26, 2009 22:49

    To make up for even more more of my tardiness (again, because last week and this week were late, I went and altered the date to reflect the date it SHOULD have gone up), I went a little wild with the links. Set aside some time, because I have 25 for you today. If you went looking and didn't see last week's, they are up now as well.

  • THIS XBOX. IT'Read more... )

    dogs, video games, douchebag, wtf, sex, science, toy, sweet jeebus no щ(゚Д゚щ), art, under da sea, anatomy, animals, it's da future! :o, music, creepy crawlies, fashion, videos, photos, cats, politics, kids, when fandom attacks, links tiem, smooth criminal, zombies/vampires, dolphins, egypt, ways in which they fail, lists, drugs, epic lulz

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  • WTF Wednesday - Round 82

    the_perkygoff Aug 19, 2009 21:48

    Apologies for the massive lateness. Since round 83 is also going up late, the date on this article has been adjusted and reflects the date this entry should have gone up.

  • This was sent to me via someone on Twitter, and oh my fucking god. If you haven't heard about it yet, here's the link for It's a website, which celebrates African ( Read more... )

    disney, wtf, science, sweet jeebus no щ(゚Д゚щ), art, anatomy, stupid, animals, death, food, creepy crawlies, fashion, japan, creepy, kids, when fandom attacks, zombies/vampires, omgwant, ways in which they fail, movies, epic lulz, robots, douchebag, video games, sex, toy, under da sea, it's da future! :o, music, doom, videos, ads, comics, links tiem, smooth criminal, lists

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